Secular Law/Order

Buchumschlag Vorderseite: Drei Richter im Gerichtshof von Lhasa

Abt. III:  DIPLOMATA, EPISTOLAE ET LEGES (Hrsg. von Prof. Dr. Dieter Schuh und Dr. Christoph Cüppers)

Band 13: Dieter Schuh (Editor): Secular Law and Order in the Tibetan Highland. Contributions to a workshop organized by the Tibet Institute in Andiast (Switzerland)
on the occasion of the 65th birthday of Christoph Cüppers from the 8th of June to the 12th of June 2014. VI, 322 Seiten, 2015, 98,50 Euro.


Table of Contents:

Christoph Cueppers: gTsang khrims yig chen mo. Ein tibetischer Rechtskodex in der Sammlung der National Archives in Kathmandu 1

Franz-Karl Ehrhard: “A Thousand-spoke Golden Wheel of  Secular Law“: The Preamble to the Law Code of the Kings of gTsang 105

Karl-Heinz Everding: Abuse of Authority in Central Tibet during the 13th-17th Centuries 127

Peter Schwieger: Criminal Law and Corporal Punishment in Tibet 145

Dieter Schuh: Synthetisches Geld in Tibet. Betrachtungen zu den Zahlungseinheiten in tibetischen Gerichtsverfahren 159

Fernanda Pirie: Oaths and ordeals in Tibetan law  177

Charles Ramble: Demdem and Dachang: The Regulative Rules of Two Archery Festivals from South Mustang (Nepal)   197

Hanna Schneider: Pragmatism and a Strong Hand for a Good Cause: The Administration of Shel-dkar rDzong as
Exemplified by the District Headquarters‘ Tax Revenue Management for the Benefit of the Monastery of Chudbar
‚Gro-phan Gling  225

Alice Travers: The Tibetan Army of the Ganden Phodrang in Various Legal Documents (17th-20th Centuries)  249

Brandon Dotson: Introducing Early Tibetan Law: Codes and Cases 267

Kazushi Iwao: Preliminary Study of the Legal Court Proceedings in the Old Tibet Empire 315

Buchumschlag Rückseite: Handschrift des Gesetzbuches gTsang khrims yig chen mo

International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH |