Mustang: Docum. 1

Archiv für zentralasiatische Geschichtsforschung

Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Dieter Schuh und Prof. Dr. Michael Weiers

Heft 11

Madhav Lal Karmacharya: Mustang Documents in the Nepali Language (1667 – 1975 A.D.) described and edited in facsimiles. (Results of The Nepal Germam Project on High Mountain Archaeology, Part 1), 1996, 194 Seiten, 70,–   Euro


The aim of this Mustang Document Catalogue is to list the documents, altogether ninety in number, that were discovered in Mustang by Prof. Dr. Dieter Schuh and photographed either personally by him in 1990 or under his guidance in the years from 1985-1992 when he visited there.    They include royal recripts, rukka´s, command, orders, public notices, bonds, pledges, inscriptions, rules, regulations, letters, instructions and receipts issued under the authority of the central government of Nepal, local rulers, local bodies or agencies etc.. The language employed is Nepali. The catalogue is divided in six parts: Document Index, Originator Index, Addressee Index, Subject Index, Title Index and Data Index.

A recognizance binding agreement (1852)
Letter of Jang Rana Bahadur (1989)

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