Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung
Begründet von R.O. Meisezahl (†) und Dieter Schuh
Herausgegeben von Peter Schwieger
Band 19: Hildegard Diemberger and Karma Phuntsho (Editors): Ancient Treasures, New Discoveries [PIATS 2006: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies. Königswinter 2006.], 2009, 270 pages, 38,50 Euro. ISBN: 978-3-03809-109-7

Hildegard Diemberger & Karma Phuntsho: Introduction 9
Yangdon Dhondup: From Hermit to Saint: The Life of Nyang snang mdzad rdo rje (1798-1874) 15
Drodul Dorje: A brief report on Rare and Old Manuscript Conservation project of Dpal brtsegs bod yig dpe rnying zhib ´jug khang 43
Sherab Zangpo: Comments on Emporer Khri lde srong btsan´s Bla ´bum 55
Pasang Wangdu: The Lebs ri Tombs and the Mchims Clan 73
Hildegard Diemberger: Chos kyi sgron ma´s Life and the Bo dong pa Tradition: Discovery and Innovative Creativity in Buddhist Revival 97
Jill Sudbury: Tracing the Sacred Thread: Restoring the Bo dong pa Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism 125
Charles Ramble: History from below: An inroduction to Three Tibetan Archival Collections from Mustang, Nepal 155
Shin´ichiro Miyaki: A brief introduction to the Tibetan Works Collections of Otani University 195
Karma Phuntsho: Unravelling Bhutanese Treasures 223
Hildegard Diemberger, Karma Phuntsho & Burkhard Quessel: Tibetan-Mongolian Rare Books and Manuscripts Project 249
Notes on Contributors 269