Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung
Begründet von R.O. Meisezahl (†) und Dieter Schuh
Herausgegeben von Peter Schwieger
Band 22: Maret Kark and Horst Lasic (Editors): Studies in the Philosophy and History of Tibet [PIATS 2006: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies. Königswinter 2006.], 2010, 175 pages, 32,50 Euro. ISBN: 978-3-03809-099-1
José Ignacio Cabezón – The Madhyamaka in Gro lung pa´s Bstan rim chen mo
Urban Hammer – On the history of Kâlacakra in Tibet: A study of the traditions of Dol po pa and Bu ston
Maret Kark – Reflectivity as the functional principle of evolution in Mahâmudrâ and Dzogchen upadesha texts
Guilaine Mala – Buddhapâli[ta] and Sangs rgyas bskyangs: An illustration of the Tibetanisation of Chinese Buddhism in Lcang skya Rol pa´i rdo rje´s Guide to Wutaishan (1767)
Seitetsu Moriyama – The relationship between the two truths, bden pa gnyis, according to Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge, and the influence of his interpretation on the Dge lugs pa tradition
Christian K. Wedemeyer – Cette fraude littéraire ne peut tromper personne: Jo nang Târanâtha and the history of the Gsang ´dus ´phags lugs