Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung
Begründet von R.O. Meisezahl (†) und Dieter Schuh
Herausgegeben von Peter Schwieger
Band 16: Christopher I. Beckwith (Editor): Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages III [PIATS 2006: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies. Königswinter 2006.], 2008, 201 pages, 32,50 Euro. ISBN: 978-3-03809-106-6

Preface 7
Christopher I. Beckwith: An introduction to theoretical and methodological problems in the comparative-historical linguistics of Eastern-Eurasian languages 9
Guillaume Jacques: Etude des alternances vocaliques dans le système verbal tangoute à partir du texte „Nouveau recueil sur l´amour parental et la piété filiale“ 49
Nathan W. Hill: Verba moriendi in the Old Tibetan Annals 71
Christopher I. Beckwith: The Pai-lang songs: The earliest texts in a Tibeto-Burman language and their Late Old Chinese transcriptions 87
Kazue Iwasa: The Allegory of Mrs. Xian-zheng: A preliminary analysis and decipherment of the Yi manuscript MS.CHI.YI. 26 [MS.CHI.80] in the Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire des Languages Orientales in Paris 111
Rudolf A. Yanson: On the role and phonetic value of the letters for the vowel /e/ in Old Burmese 149
Christopher I. Beckwith: Old Chinese loans in Tibetan and the non-uniqueness of „Sino-Tibetan“ 161