Archives of Tshognam


Abt. III:  DIPLOMATA, EPISTOLAE ET LEGES (Hrsg. von Prof. Dr. Dieter Schuh und Dr. Christoph Cüppers)

Band 16: Charles Ramble in collaboration with  Nyima Drandul: Tibetan Sources for a Social History of Mustang, Nepal. Vol. 2: The Archives of the Tantric Lamas of Tshognam. 2016. ISBN 978-3-03809-129-5. X,  282 Seiten. Festband. 93,50,- Euro



Preface VII

Introduction 1
 Tshognam‘ s place in Southern Mustang 2
 The lamas of Tshognam 2
 The Tshognam archives: an overview 6
 Conventions for the presentation of Tibetan text 12
 Weights and measures 14

Document Content Summaries  17
 Lower Tshognam: 17
 Upper Tshognam 20

Part One: The Archives of Lower Tshognam 25
Part Two: The Archives of Upper Tshognam 135
List of Nepali Terms in the Tshognam Documents 279
Bibliography 280

Anchorite Tamdrin, (d. 1992) the last lama of the Clan of the Kings of Sikkim
Hremo Chorten (d. 2012), the wife of Anchorite Tamdrin

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