Abt. III: DIPLOMATA, EPISTOLAE ET LEGES (Hrsg. von Prof. Dr. Dieter Schuh und Dr. Christoph Cüppers)
Band 16: Charles Ramble in collaboration with Nyima Drandul: Tibetan Sources for a Social History of Mustang, Nepal. Vol. 2: The Archives of the Tantric Lamas of Tshognam. 2016. ISBN 978-3-03809-129-5. X, 282 Seiten. Festband. 93,50,- Euro
Preface VII
Introduction 1
Tshognam‘ s place in Southern Mustang 2
The lamas of Tshognam 2
The Tshognam archives: an overview 6
Conventions for the presentation of Tibetan text 12
Weights and measures 14
Document Content Summaries 17
Lower Tshognam: 17
Upper Tshognam 20
Part One: The Archives of Lower Tshognam 25
Part Two: The Archives of Upper Tshognam 135
List of Nepali Terms in the Tshognam Documents 279
Bibliography 280