About us
The IITBS was founded in 1976 by a group of scholars under the name „Assosiation for Historical Studies on High Asia GmbH“, in German: „Vereinigung für Geschichtswissenschaft Hochasiens Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH“ (= VGH Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH ), and renamed to „International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH“ in 2005. The main aim of this assosiation is scientific reseach on Tibet and Buddhism and the publication of scientific results on these subjects. Since its foundation the IITBS has published the result of its research programmes in more than hundred publications.
The IITBS is headed by the Tibetologist Prof. Dr. Dieter Schuh. The advisory committee consists of two well known scientists, namely Prof. Dr. Peter Schwieger (University of Bonn) and PD Dr. Karl-Heinz Everding (now teaching at Hamburg University).
In the year 2010 the IITBS shifted from Halle (Saale), to Andiast in Switzerland.
For further questions about our activities please contact: info@Tibetinstitut.de.
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